Published on 13/11/23
On Thursday, 9 November, Year 6 from Junior School Cambridge went to Latham Road for a morning of reflection and remembrance linked to our topic, Sticks and Stones.
They read Michael Foreman’s War Game, a book set in WWI, and contemplated what life was like for soldiers at that time.
Then they listened to For the Fallen by Daniel Guest and demonstrated their respect by listening to The Last Post and holding a two minutes’ silence.
Following this they got into groups and were asked to create a piece of natural art as an act of remembrance. They were wonderfully creative and respectful.
The pupils were able to see how the Thinking Toolkit had been involved in every aspect of the morning’s learning.
‘We were exploring for materials and using our imagination to create art," said Imogen.
Abishaun said ‘the book links to ‘Thinking about Thinking’ from our Thinking Toolkit because we reflected and analysed the story.’
‘Today made me reflect on the soldiers who died for our country. I think we used Creative Thinking for making the rosemary memorial,’ reflected Alba.