Published on 12/08/21
Students at the Stephen Perse Foundation have once again achieved outstanding results in this year's GCSEs. 46% of all entries were graded at the highest grade 9.
46% of GCSEs graded the top score of 9
72% of GCSEs graded 8 or 9
87% of GCSEs graded 7, 8 or 9
10% of the student cohort achieving at least 10 GCSEs at grade 9
Students can now look forward to furthering their education, with most joining the Stephen Perse Sixth Form in September.
Richard Girvan, Principal and Head of Senior School said: “Stephen Perse students can be confident that the excellent results they have been awarded are a true and fair reflection of all of their hard work, learning and attainment over what has been a challenging year for all young people and school staff. This national cohort has been tested by circumstances, and academically assessed, more than any other in post-war times, in a year like no other. They have faced uncertainty and disruption to school and they and their teachers have had to adapt quickly, with high stakes, in the face of myriad challenges. We are therefore immensely proud of our students for coming through this year with such superb outcomes, and we are excited to welcome them back to school in September to commence their A level and IB studies.”
Following the cancellation of formal exams by the government, due to the disruption to the education of students caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, students at both GCSE and A Level have received teacher assessed grades for each of their subjects. Teachers have made use of assessment data of students’ performance over the duration of their courses, and from end of year assessments, with the evidence used to inform grading judgements. The grades were subject to internal and external quality assurance processes set out and overseen by exam boards.