Published on 10/08/21
Students in the Sixth Form at the Stephen Perse Foundation have once again achieved outstanding results in this year’s A Levels with 51% achieving the top A* grade, 81% A*-A and 91% achieving A*-B. All this was achieved after a challenging year due to the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In a year like no other, Stephen Perse students have shown resilience to achieve the academic results which will allow them to progress to the next stage of their education.
Students from the Stephen Perse Sixth Form will be taking up places at some of the UK’s highest ranked universities: Classics at Cambridge University; Natural Sciences and Theology & Religion, both at Durham University; Medicine at the University of Leicester; Architecture at UCL; Music and Sound Recording (Tonmeister) at the University of Surrey; Economics at the University of Warwick; Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. All students that applied to study medicine have achieved their places.
Richard Girvan, Principal of the Stephen Perse Foundation says: “Stephen Perse students can be confident that the excellent results they have been awarded are a true and fair reflection of their hard work, learning and attainment over what has been a challenging year for all young people. We are proud of all of our students and wish them the very best as they prepare to take up places at Universities across the UK and beyond. Having witnessed how students across the country have overcome the uncertainty and disruption they have faced during this year, I have every confidence that the class of 2021 has the adaptability and the resilience to be able to embrace and make the most of the opportunities open to them beyond school.”
Following the cancellation of formal exams by the government, due to the disruption to the education of students caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, students at both GCSE and A Level have received teacher assessed grades for each of their subjects. Teachers have made use of assessment data of students’ performance over the duration of their courses, and from end of year assessments, with the evidence used to inform grading judgements. The grades were subject to internal and external quality assurance processes set out and overseen by exam boards.