Published on 20/08/20
Helen Roberts, Stephen Perse Admissions Registrar is reporting increased calls from parents of Year 11 students and by parents with children in other local and international schools who are clearly unsettled by the furore of recent weeks. She says that many parents are not confident in the ability in their new school of choice to be able to deliver the curriculum whatever the circumstances next year, or to ensure their child achieves the outcomes of the final years of school that best reflect their abilities.
Helen said: “Parents’ focus is, understandably, on school performance and safety next term. Some schools were not able to deliver the curriculum digitally last year and did not have the well-established remote teaching and learning capability that we have across all schools in the Foundation. They are worried that study for A Levels, or the IB, will be adversely affected without this technology. Parents are also worried about safety and the correct procedures required by the pandemic. They are being reassured by the opportunity of the new school campus on Bateman St with all its space and extensive modern facilities will be the Sixth Form home from September.”
“Many of our current Year 11 parents,” Helen continues, “simply want the confidence of continuing in a school community where their child is already known and valued being taught by teachers who have the knowledge and expertise to get the best results and the desired university course and destination. I know that our Sixth Form Guidance Programme that helps with course and university choice is a big draw, especially so next year when many of the work placements and experiences will not take place. There is a great deal of uncertainty, and indeed anxiety, following many months of lockdown and they are telling me they need a Sixth Form that delivers both academically and in terms of pastoral care and wellbeing. Stephen Perse has a reputation for success in both and happily we have a few places still remaining for any students who would like continuity into the Sixth Form.”
If parents and students would like to remain with us for A Levels or the IB programme despite having given notice, please call Helen to discuss your child’s preferred subjects and she will do her very best to help as the process to ensure continuity is very simple.
Helen can be contacted on: and by telephone on 01223 454762.