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Published on 16/02/17

Our Key Stage 1 pupils were also off site last week to visit Stansted airport.

The children were thrilled to dress up in the differing roles of the airports and discovered jobs that they never knew were linked to an airport.

There was a mock arrest of Mrs Parsons at security and fortunately she was released to return to school. 

All children were able to observe the take off and landing of the aeroplanes and the sheer volume of this experience was memorable for all on the day.

The hands on activities in the Learning Zone helped children understand the Science behind how such a large cylinder of metal can 'take off' with the tremendous forces involved.

In the words of one pupil, 'I never knew life behind the airport was so busy and complicated,' something we probably all take for granted when we board a plane or enter an airport.

My thanks to our KS1 teachers for organising such an experience and to our parent volunteers without whom these trips could not go ahead.

Tagged  Pre-Prep  Pre-Prep news  Trips